Adobe Photoshop’s image editing command for make blending between two images or many layers. You can use this tools for masked border of images and to make artistic collage effects. It’s one of the easy and quick way of creating a mask on images. I am describing on Layer Mask Effect in Photoshop.


To apply image editing tool you can also used of make a layer mask on an image. Here is the process:

First start Photoshop and go to File > New. Then again go to File > Place to open an image that you want use for this task. Then you need to rotate use image, then both will be same orientation. Re-size the photos, so that they will be same size.

Next go to Layer then New then Layer and press OK. Set backgrounds color of black, click new layer and click Ctrl+Backspace to fill the new Layer at black. Now need to create duplicate image background layer by Layer then Duplicate Layer then OK. Now pull the black layer within two image layers.

Click the top image layer, then click Add Layer Mask from the foot of the Layer Palette.

Go to Layer Mask and go to  Image > Apply Image. From drop-down panel choose border image. Set Blending mode to Normal. Go to Transparency and set it. Then press OK.

A most latest technique are applying on a mask to the border from the Apply Image Dialog. To do again this task, you need to set all previous settings. From the source file, choose the image file for mask. Then go to Layer from the image and then Channel to use as mask. In this part, Blue Chanel will give attractive result.

Layer mask is one of most essential part of Adobe Photoshop. For more learn by tutorials visit Adobe home page. Or for video tutorials you can search youtube or other video directories.

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